The best and fastest Hosting for your website (7+ names)
Checking out which web hosting is fast and more reliable and suitable for your website can take a lot of time and money. If you want an answer of this question and want to know about types of web hosting to compare every hosting type to know the best and appropriate web hosting for your website, then you’ve landed on the right page.
If you are a beginner and don’t know which web hosting option is suitable for you, then to help with that situation, this post will recommend you the right direction, so that you can choose the best and fast web hosting for your website. In this post, we have mentioned different types of web hosting and best web hosting providers, you can pick any web host as per your choice. Now, let’s get started!
Introduction to Web Hosting
Before we proceed further, it is necessary to have a full understanding of what web hosting is and different types of web hosting.
To make it clear and simple to you, we are going to define web hosting with an example, let’s get started. When you visit any website in your browser, you can see a website with different pages, and have you any idea how you can do this? Just because the browser has downloaded various files and converted those markup files into something which you can see and understand. Similar to your computer, those files are stored somewhere so that you could access them. However, those files will be stored on another computer/machine known as a server.
Basically, your websites are hosted on the server, and everything related to your website will be stored on the server and accessed via your web host. Every component of your website includes files, images, text, videos – everything will be stored on the server.
Servers are situated in the data centres and managed by different web hosting providers. Web hosting providers will offer various technologies and server space that is needed for your website to be accessed on the Internet. This thing enables your website visitors to visit and view your website.
In web hosting, the web host owner of the server rents it out to the website owner and also offers some other services like 24/7 customer support, server management, backups, security, and so on. The process of providing this infrastructure to the website owners is called web hosting and the person who offers these services is called a hosting provider.
Now, let’s get into more detail….
Features of web hosting
Web hosting plans may vary from one host to another in terms of features offered by web hosting companies. However, the common features offer by web hosting companies are as follow:
- Disk space
Disk storage will be associated with every hosting plan, some hosting companies offer unlimited disk space, whereas, some offer limited storage, it will depend on the hosting plan chosen by you. If you choose an expensive hosting plan, then you will get more storage.
- Bandwidth
Higher the bandwidth, it is more likely to transfer a large amount of data at a time. If you have less bandwidth, then your site might be slow down regardless of the connection speed of your website visitors. Higher bandwidth will be expensive, but it will affect the performance of other user’s sites on the same server.
- Control panel access
The most important aspect of web hosting is getting access to cPanel. With the help of cPanel, website owners can create and manage their website and its content. It incorporates tools for uploading and managing web pages, manages domains and sub-domains, backup data, security and protection against virus and spams.
- Uptime
The reliable web hosting providers will offer at least a 99.9% uptime guarantee to their customers. It will include server uptime, network uptime, service uptime, and 24/7 customer support.
- Privacy and security
Many web hosting providers facilitate us with SSL certificate, SSL secure servers and the software which can prevent other websites from accessing our database and files, firewall protection, antivirus protection, two-factor authentication or reliable authentication.
- Customer support
A reliable web hosting provider will provide 24/7 technical support to help us when we have any technical issue or any error encounter which we can’t resolve.
Different Types of Web Hosting
If you are aware of servers, then you’ll probably know that all servers are not of the same type, that’s why different types of web hosting options exist. There are some servers, which can be shared by multiple users and some servers are dedicated to a single website.
The web host offers various web hosting packages that vary in terms of price and features. Here, one of the most important decisions you have to make is to decide which hosting type you want to choose for your website.
We have mentioned some best web hosting types with their corresponding factors such as performance, scalability, security, and level of efforts on your side. You should focus on the type of web hosting to distinguish which hosting is the right option for you instead of looking at the web hosting companies.
The following are the most common web hosting types through which you can get an idea of which hosting type is appropriate for you. By considering each and every point you can make a decision for yourself.
# Shared Hosting – for beginners
As the name implies, shared hosting is something that is shared between multiple websites. With a shared hosting plan, your website will be located on the same server where other websites are stored.
Shared hosting is the most common type of web hosting, and it is very cost-effective and used by small or entry-level websites. As its sharable nature, it is so affordable as compared to other types of web hosting.
A shared hosting plan will allow its users to use a limited number of resources allocated to them. In simple words, shared hosting refers to a house where you have to share your space and resources with other websites. It is same as in real life you pay rent for the house and share other resources like water, common space, and electricity with your roommates.
If you are sharing your resources with other websites then definitely it will also have some drawbacks. If someone’s website has a traffic spike, then it might be possible that your website performance affected by this or cause some issues with your website. You will not have control over these types of situations.
However, on the other side, if you are a beginner and you already know that your website is not going to have a lot of traffic and you want to save money, then going for shared hosting is perfect for you.
Who should choose shared hosting?
If you are a beginner or have a small website that doesn’t contain high-traffic, then opting for shared hosting is a good option for you. It is very cost-effective, and if you have limited technical knowledge then you can opt shared hosting.
You are a perfect candidate for shared hosting if you have a tight budget, having a small website or blogging website, and don’t need high-traffic on your website. Any website which doesn’t require lots of resources or too much on-site interaction will be fine with this type of hosting.
If you know your website is not going to have more than 1000 or 2000 monthly visitors, then you can save your money by getting a shared hosting plan.
Advantages of shared hosting
- Most cost-effective type of web hosting as you can share the cost of server with other websites.
- It is easy to set up.
- Limited technical knowledge is enough.
- Efficient for those who have small websites.
Disadvantages of shared hosting
- You have to share your resources with other websites.
- If it degrades your website performance, then you can’t control this issue.
- It will offer you slower loading time and lower uptime rates.
- It doesn’t offer you scalability.
# VPS Hosting – next level shared hosting
VPS is shorthand for “Virtual Private Server”. This type of hosting is next level shared hosting. When a website grows and unable to handle high-traffic, then it’s common for website owners to upgrade their shared hosting service to a VPS.
In a virtual private server, you’ll still share a single server with other websites, but you’ll share with significantly lower websites. The main server will be divided into various virtual servers, that’s why it is known as a virtual private server. The individual website can customize these virtual servers accordingly.
Even you are sharing the main server with other websites but still, your website will have dedicated resources with a virtual private server.
Since you wouldn’t be sharing your resources with other websites, your site will run efficiently as compared to shared hosting, only if your website has high-traffic. In short, with VPS your website loading will be fast and high uptime rates. In this, you don’t need to worry about that other websites can degrade your site’s performance.
In a VPS hosting, your space will be yours and you don’t need to share your space with anyone. However, you are sharing some resources with others, so there will be some drawbacks.
Who should choose a VPS hosting?
VPS hosting is best suited for those who have small or medium-sized websites and can’t expect downtime on their website. It is a great option for those websites who outgrow their shared hosting plan.
When website owners want to make custom changes to their server configuration and they are tech-savvy, can choose a virtual private server to get benefit from it.
If your website contains large files involving videos and images should go for a VPS. VPS will work better if you have an interactive website with complex files as opposed to a shared hosting plan.
Advantages of VPS hosting
- It is reliable and stable as compared to shared hosting.
- If you want to make custom changes to your server then this is the best option for you.
- It will offer you faster loading speed and higher uptime rates.
- It is cost-effective than a dedicated server.
- If another website hits the limit of the resources then it will not affect your website performance.
Disadvantages of VPS hosting
- It is important to have technical knowledge if you want to make a change in the server configuration.
- Set up of this type of hosting is not easy as of shared hosting.
- Still, you have to share the main server with other websites.
# Dedicated Hosting
Dedicated hosting is at the top in the web hosting services, because as the name implies, if you go for dedicated hosting, then the server will only belong to you, you don’t need to share your server with any other website. But with this, it is the most expensive type of web hosting with added features.
As you are not going to share resources with other websites so your site’s performance will be at a peak.
If you have chosen dedicated hosting that means you have enough technical knowledge because you’ll have to manage other server settings, and you’ll have full control over the server settings. You acquire configuration, software, and anything else you want.
If you are opting for dedicated hosting then obviously you’ll expect fast website loading speed and higher uptime rates. Also, you don’t need to worry about traffic from other websites impacting your site’s performance.
You can relate dedicated hosting with a real-life example, such as you owe a house. That means you can do anything with your house and resources.
Who should choose dedicated hosting?
Dedicated hosting plans are best suited for enterprise-level websites. These servers are typically used for those websites that have high volumes of traffic. It is not preferred to choose dedicated hosting unless your website getting 100,000 monthly visits.
If you have a large e-commerce website and enterprise then you should consider dedicated hosting so that you can have complete control over the server’s functionality. A dedicated server would benefit for those websites who require high-level of security, such as website containing financial data of users or medical information etc.
There are two options for you to manage the server, one is, you can leave it to the hosting provider to manage the server, or you can manage a server on your own. There is one limitation if you supposed to manage the server on your own is that you will be responsible to monitor everything and installing updates and checking for any error.
If you can afford only then go for it, otherwise, you can look for any other web hosting. Sometimes, it happens when dedicated hosting is out of your price range when you are having a new website.
Advantages of dedicated hosting
- You can have complete control over the server.
- Your resources will be yours, no need to share with anyone else.
- It offers a high-level of security to your website.
- Optimal performance, high uptime, and fast load time.
- You can choose OS, type, and amount of memory and other hardware elements.
Disadvantages of dedicated hosting
- It is one of the most expensive web hosting types.
- If you want to manage server setting on your own then you require high technical knowledge.
- If you are managing server then you’ll be responsible for everything like installation of software, monitoring, and checking for errors.
# Cloud hosting
Cloud hosting can be described as a hybrid version of a VPS hosting, however, it is more cost-effective. Cloud hosting involves multiple remote servers, and each server holds different responsibilities. If any server halts, then another server can take over the responsibilities of the damage server. This is the reason why cloud hosting is becoming more popular as it is an alternative solution to traditional web hosting.
Having cloud hosting will give you higher uptime and you’ll not face as much unexpected downtime because of server errors. Your site will give a performance at a high-level. The biggest advantage of using cloud hosting is the provision of its scalability to its users.
As we know, with the traditional web hosting there is always a problem between price and resources. In the meantime, you don’t want to spend extra money on those resources which you haven’t used and on the same time, you don’t want to hit the limit of resources of your limited plan and degrade the performance of your site.
You can’t predict how many pages your visitors will view or how much traffic you can get on your website. Well! Having a huge amount of traffic on your website is great news, but you should ensure that whether your selected plan can manage it or not.
That’s why cloud hosting comes into existence to provide an ultimate solution to this problem. The cloud hosting plan will enable you to scale-up your resources when you need the most.
Also, you’ll pay only for those resources which are used by you and you can manage those resources within your admin dashboard.
Who should choose cloud hosting?
Cloud hosting is best suited for those who have medium and large websites and growing rapidly. If you are planning to switch to another hosting plan because your existing plan is not supporting the high volume of traffic, then you should go for cloud hosting.
If your website traffic is unpredictable or 50,000+ visitors monthly visit your website, then you should consider a cloud hosting plan. Websites who outgrow their shared hosting plans and need to switch the hosting plan then they could seek cloud hosting as an alternative option to a VPS.
Advantages of cloud hosting
- It offers you high security.
- You can scale-up resources as per your requirements.
- Less unexpected downtime.
Disadvantages of cloud hosting
- The price range may vary from one hosting provider to another.
- You can’t predict how much traffic can increase on your website.
- Limited customization.
# Reseller Hosting
If you are looking for a hosting plan which will work only for you or you are building a small website then going for reseller hosting is not a suitable option for you. Therefore, if you want to sell hosting services to other sites being an intermediate hosting services provider, then you can consider reseller hosting.
In simple words, “basically, in reseller hosting you buy hosting services from the hosting provider then resell those services to your clients, this is called reseller hosting.”
Being a reseller, you have an opportunity to choose prices for different hosting services for your clients. As you are paying wholesale rates to your web hosting provider, then you have a chance to make profit margins.
Who should choose reseller hosting?
Basically, reseller hosting is used by web designers, agencies, and web developers. These people will already have clients so they can add hosting to the services to offer their clients.
You can provide your clients with a way to manage their websites in one place instead of finding a web hosting on their own. Sustainability is the most important part of being a reseller host. Suppose you design a website for your client after you have done your work, then they do not necessarily need your services forever. But, if you add web hosting services, then you can earn monthly income for the lifetime of that website.
It is not recommended for those who are not planning to manage at least 10 different websites. Otherwise, it probably won’t give value to you.
Advantages of reseller hosting
- You can offer price for web hosting accordingly.
- You can get a sustainable monthly income.
Disadvantages of reseller hosting
- All responsibilities from installing updates to monitoring errors will be up to you, if anything goes wrong your clients will turn to you.
- You need lots of clients to continue with this service.
# WordPress Hosting
It is another type of web hosting, as you can have an idea from the name, it is intended to host a website which is optimized for WordPress. WordPress hosting offers a high-security feature that is designed for websites running on WordPress.
As WordPress websites are vulnerable to security that is why security feature is added to protect the website from external threats. Probably, you’ll see hosting providers will offer you two different types of WordPress hosting such as:
- Shared WordPress hosting
- Managed WordPress hosting
Shared WordPress hosting will work similar to regular shared hosting but only the difference is WordPress will be pre-installed.
On the other hand, Managed WordPress hosting offers added features like high-security, staging, caching, and faster loading speeds.
Who should choose WordPress hosting?
If your website is built in WordPress then you can consider WordPress hosting, because it can help you to optimize your WordPress site.
Advantages of WordPress hosting
- It is optimized for WordPress.
- Probably you’ll get pre-installed WordPress or one-click installation.
- High-security for WordPress site.
Disadvantages of WordPress hosting
- It offers less control and flexibility.
- In shared WordPress site, you have to share resources with other sites.
Web Hosting: Consider a few things before you get started
If you are having a new website and want to host your website, then it is important to consider a few things before you get any web hosting service.
- You pay as per your requirements
If you are creating and hosting your website just for fun, then this point doesn’t matter to you. But, if you are serious about your business and want to show your online presence, then choosing free or cheap web hosting can often a false economy for you.
- Consider pricing tricks of web host
If you have been running your business for a long time, then you’ll be aware of the pricing tricks of web hosting providers. In the beginning, when you are a new customer, they offer you low prices and after the introductory period ends, that can be 12, 24, or even 36 months after signing up, they high their prices. Always consider the total cost of ownership and renewal price of web hosting also.
- Is your provider trustworthy?
Sometimes, it happens when you purchase hosting services from a reseller host, here we are talking when you don’t know that your web host is reselling web hosting services at higher prices. So, before going with any web host make sure they are providing realistic services, and check how long they have been around in this field etc.
- Review terms and conditions
Before making any purchase, ensure that you’ve read all terms and conditions, so that when you plan to switch to another hosting provider, you don’t face any problem.
- Website speed
If your web hosting speed is slow to respond and you are paying in thousands, then it is recommended to migrate your web hosting. Because to match with Goggle’s benchmark of 200ms, you need fast web hosting.
- Fast response to your target audience
You need web hosting which gives a response to your target audience’s questions fast, so make sure the web hosting company you are choosing is providing you fast response time.
- Customer support
Any technical issues can occur at any time, and having a dedicated team, who can help you any time when you need the most, will be beneficial for you. So, ensure that you are choosing that web hosting company who offers 24/7 customer support.
- High-uptime guarantee
If your site constantly goes down, then there is no use of that type of web hosting. While choosing a web hosting service then make sure that they are providing at least 99.8% uptime guarantee.
- High security
As you know, protection against malware and hacks is so important, so make sure that your web hosting providers offer you security and protection against hacks and malware attacks.
- Additional features
Some web hosting companies offer additional features with web hosting plans such as free domain for 1 year, free SSL certificate and added sub-domains etc.
Want to go local or global?
You can choose a web hosting company which is suitable for you. You can choose a web hosting company which is based in India or get a global brand which covers India.
- Get a web hosting provider that is based in India
If your web host offers you high speed, then it will be ideal for you and your target audience. If you are interested to choose a web host who is based in India, then you can easily go for it because various web hosting companies are located in India and provide high-quality web hosting services. If you prefer a localized customer support team then choosing a web host based in India is a good option.
- Get a global brand that covers India
Global brands deliver better global speed and it is perfect to pick a global brand that covers India if you are targeting a global audience. You will also have good security and overall services.
Fast and best web hosting providers
# Bluehost
Bluehost has been working in this field since 2007, and they are one of the best web hosting providers. They offer web hosting services at low-cost for new websites and offer 99.99% uptime. But it offers discounts for long-term plans only.
It offers Shared WordPress hosting with three different packages, such as Basic, Plus and Choice Plus.
In addition to this, it offers shared hosting, VPS hosting, and dedicated hosting as well. Under shared hosting, it includes four plans such as Basic, Plus, Choice Plus, and Pro. VPS hosting includes three plans such as Standard, Enhanced, and Ultimate. Dedicated hosting offers ultimate performance, control, and security to your websites and includes three packages Standard, Enhanced and Premium.
Features offered by Bluehost
- Offers best 99.99% uptime
- One-click installation of WordPress
- Beginners can easily use it
- 24/7 customer support
# SiteGround
SiteGround is another top-level web hosting service provider as they offer managed WordPress hosting, WooCommerce hosting, enterprise hosting, cloud hosting, reseller hosting, and dedicated server. They are renting servers from the Google cloud rather than having in-house servers.
How you run your website will be up to you, however, SiteGround provides simple control panel access to review your account and also offers white label option and DNS upgrade ensures that you can easily utilize your own branding anywhere.
Features offered by SiteGround
- Offers 24/7 customer support
- Stable 99.99% uptime
- Offer sufficient load time
Cons of SiteGround
- Setup fee on monthly plans
- Cheap plans are limited
# A2 Hosting
A2 hosting offers fast web hosting because their servers are optimized for WordPress websites and they are using LiteSpeed cache. A2 Hosting is best suited for major content management systems involving WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, OpenCart and Magento. It offers 24/7/365 customer support that means customers can communicate with them via live video chat, emails, and phone call.
A2 hosting provides various web hosting services including shared hosting, dedicated hosting, VPS hosting, and reseller hosting for webmasters. They offer 30-days money-back guarantee with all plans.
Features of A2 Hosting
- It offers fast load time.
- Servers are optimized for WordPress websites.
- 24/7/365 customer support.
Cons of A2 Hosting
- You have to renew your plan at higher-cost
- Average uptime (99.93%)
# Inmotion hosting
inmotion hosting is another one of the best web hosting service providers as they offer a high speed of servers, added features, and 24/7 customers support service. They never leave their customer waiting for long as they are providing live chat sessions so that customers can connect with them within minutes. This is a good option to get started with Inmotion hosting because it delivers fast loading websites. Its overall performance is above average which is a good sign for website owners and another reason to pick Inmotion hosting.
It offers impressive web hosting services in a variety of forms including shared web hosting that starts at $2.95/month. It also offers VPS hosting and WordPress hosting.
# Hostinger
Hostinger is well-known for its fast response time, affordable cost, easy to use and SSL included across the board. It uses its own technology such as its own customized control panel instead of using cPanel, that’s why it offers better control performance and added features.
It offers a variety of hosting services including shared web hosting, cloud hosting, email hosting, WordPress hosting and VPS hosting at affordable prices.
If you are having a small business then you can choose shared web hosting, cloud hosting for large scale projects, optimized server for WordPress websites, advertise your business with every outreach through email hosting, and it also offers dedicated resources to scale-up via VPS hosting.
# HostGator
HostGator is one of the popular shared web hosting and cloud hosting providers, and it offers a variety of features with each plan including unlimited email accounts, unmetered disk space, unmetered bandwidth and built-in cache with all hosting plans.
Additionally, it offers 99.9% uptime guarantee, easy installation of WordPress, free SSL certificate and a free domain for one year for all hosting plans.
If you want to build a customized website, then you can do it with the help of Gator website builder. It is easy to use and provide drag and drop website builder which is specifically designed to build e-commerce websites for beginners.
HostGator offers VPS hosting, WordPress hosting and dedicated hosting which can serve all organizations from small businesses to large enterprises.
All of their plans come with a 45-day money-back guarantee.
# PetalHost
PetalHost is another leading company that offers web hosting services, domain registration, and SSL certificate at affordable prices. In web hosting services, it includes basic shared hosting, unlimited Linux hosting, Linux reseller hosting and managed WordPress hosting.
If you are thinking why you should choose PetalHost for web hosting, the reason is: it offers 99.9% uptime, 24/7 fully qualified technical support, automated backups, free website transfer, and cPanel access etc.
# GreenGeeks
GreenGeeks offers 99.98% uptime and 445s load speed, it offers the most reliable and fast web hosting at an affordable price. In addition to this, its features include 24/7 customer support, easy to use services and environment-friendly practices.
It offers a free domain for 1 year, free wildcard SSL, cPanel access, unlimited SSD storage, PowerCacher, and unlimited data transfer all these come with all plans. Users will also have an unlimited number of domain names, and unlimited email accounts.
If your website grows or has high-volume of traffic on their website, then they can upgrade their previous plan to VPS hosting. Add to this, all plans come with 30-days money-back guarantee.
Advantages of GreenGeeks
- Offers good load time
- Stable uptime: 99.98%
- Support free site transfer
- Unlimited storage and bandwidth
Disadvantages of GreenGeeks
- You have to pay the high renewable cost
- Not confirm, does it support refund policy?