Refund Policy

Last Update on 28-09-2023

You can cancel your hosting plan within the first 30 days for a full refund.

Products Eligible For a Refund

Products Do Not Eligible For a Refund

Any products or services that were suspended, canceled, or terminated due to the abusive usage of the products, services, or any other violation of the Terms and Conditions are not eligible for a refund.

Customers can use the return to determine whether PetalHost's services are a good fit for their needs. PetalHost will never abide by the inappropriate use of refunds (such as repeatedly refunding the same services and/or repeatedly purchasing and requesting a refund for services bought in bulk, etc.). If any of the indications of refund abuse materialize, PetalHost retains the right to unilaterally reject the refund request.

Other Important Information About Refund