Disable Ping Response in Linux

Disable Ping Response in Linux

Ping response can be disabled on the server due to many reasons such as server security, to avoid the network congestion., etc. Ping can disabled temporary and permanent in Linux. Disable Ping response Temporary: To disable the ping response temporary run the following command on the server as root # echo “1” > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_all This […]

How to check/find the block size in linux

How to check/find the block size in linux

A block is a fixed length uniformly sized unit of data storage. The length of the block may vary from 512bytes, 4kb, 8kb and so on. There are multiple ways of finding block size in Linux. Below are the example of finding block size: Calculate the block size using blockdev # blockdev –getbsz /dev/sda1 Finding […]

Allow Ping for Single IP In Linux

Allow Ping for Single IP In Linux

To protect the server from attack or harm server admin may disable the Ping request from outer world but allow a single IP for himself to check sever connectivity. This tutorial will guide you to allow ping packets for one IP only This whole process of allowing single IP is based on Iptables and there […]